How to stand up to the Antichrist – an example

Have you heard of this man? index

He received his doctorate in theology and was ordained, traveled 8 countries and became a respected systematic theology professor before age 25. As he began to rise in the world of academia, his country is being taken over by a powerful dictator. So powerful was this dictator, that he has since been called a “type of the antichrist”. In a few short years he saw his country go through drastic changes, growing more and more intolerant of the religious establishment, a rise in occultism, persecution of Jewish citizens and without mercy towards those that speak out against the party or the party leader. As the political party and the dictator who led it became more and more violent towards it’s citizens, he took to the airwaves to call upon his countrymen to resist this power.

Within a few short years, the dictator took over not only the country, but also the church itself making sure that only supporters of his party got positions of leadership in the church and demanding that all the churches swear allegiance to the dictator. At age 27 he was raising support for the “intact” churches in other countries. At the same time he was also raising up opposition to the evil “anti-christ” that was consolidating power in his country.

Given the opportunity to put his country behind him and make a new life in another country far from the problems and dangers at home, he instead choose to jump back into the jaws of danger. Returning home, he begins establishing underground churches for those that refuse to bend their knee to the “anti-christ” dictator and even begins an underground seminary. At 31 he writes one of the most important works of theology of all time, while leaders of his church are being arrested for opposing the ruling party.

For the second time given an opportunity to flee to a safer country, he chooses instead to not only stay, but to work with a resistance group as a spy and courier. Their goal was to attempt to assassinate this “anti-christ” and bring down the party that supports him. At the same time he is involved with groups that help Jewish people escape genocide.

Inevitably he is arrested, but he still continues sharing Christ with his guards and fellow prisoners and even leads Sunday services in the prison. When darkness seemed to have beaten him, he continues encourage his former students in their work of being faithful to the Gospel. This man was so filled with the spirit of God that he was offered help escaping by a guard, but he declines so that the man’s family will be safe. Finally, after preaching his last sermon, he is led away and hanged days before the fall of the evil dictator and his political party.

This man’s name is Dietrich Bonhoeffer, his country is Germany and the dictator he opposed is Hitler. Although 2 generations have passed between then and now, I think we have few modern day examples of how one should conduct themselves when the real Antichrist appears on the scene. Ultimately, there will be nowhere to run to, and those believers who are alive at this time should study Bonhoeffer’s example. We can draw conclusions from this story about the assault on the church during such a time. The way so many churches did not stand up for what they believed in during this time. The line between true believers in Christ and the weak willed or deceived believers became very apparent.

In the future there will come a time when brother will rise against brother (Mark 13:12) and a man’s enemy will be in his own household. We can also see that the verse may also be protecting a time when the church splits and brother rises against brother (in the church).

If you only read one biography in your life, this should be the one: Bonhoeffer; Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy (Eric Metaxis, 2010)






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